Installation Services and Training

Experienced, Professional and Proven Services

Revenera takes responsibility for helping you get up and running with our Software Installation solutions quickly. Build consistent and reliable software installations every time.

We offer a variety of training courses to help you understand how to quickly get the most out of the world’s #1 software installer tools – InstallShield and InstallAnywhere.


InstallShield, MSI Projects

In this class you will learn how to:

  • Create and organize an installation project
  • Install files and create shortcuts
  • Install and configure special types of files and data, such as registry and INI data, COM servers, Windows services, and .NET assemblies
  • Work with MSI sequences and custom actions
  • Customize your installer's user interface
  • Package your Windows installer for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and later 
  • Use the Automation interface to modify your project outside the graphical environment


Previous InstallShield experience is not required; however, you should be comfortable with:

  • Using Windows Explorer and the command prompt to create and manage files, and run executables
  • Basic Windows terminology (e.g. DLL, Control Panel, etc.)

Later sections of the course assume familiarity with programming or scripting languages such as VBScript, C or C++, and C#.


You will begin by learning about the background and motivation for using the Windows Installer service and how InstallShield fits into the installation development process. You will also learn about the resources available as you work with InstallShield, including:

  • About the Windows Installer service
  • About Windows Installer installation packages
  • About the Windows Installer installation mechanism
  • About the InstallShield environment
  • Getting help


The foundation of your installation program is an InstallShield project. In this section, you will learn about general installation terminology and design issues and how to create a project that reflects the design of your product. In this section, you will learn about:

  • Installation terminology
  • Using the Project Assistant
  • Using the Installation Designer
  • Working with features and components
  • Global product and project data

Software Installation

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Want help getting up and running with our Software Installation solutions quickly? We can help.