Manufacturing and Industrial Automation

Drive Value from Digital Solutions and Embrace the Industrial IoT

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing


The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is changing the way goods are planned, produced, sold and used. Manufacturers are moving from traditional hardware-centric business models to new digital business models that leverage the value of software, data and services.

Software drives subscription models that deliver annual recurring revenue for suppliers. Customers receive greater value out of hardware through new software-driven functionality and data-driven analysis of the tasks they perform on the shop floor and beyond.


Software Monetization is the key for manufacturers who want to innovate, maximize revenue and deliver an excellent customer experience:

  • Continuously deliver new functionality, services, product improvement and smart data.
  • Easily adapt products and features to customers’ needs.
  • Provision new functionality faster, with less effort and cost.
  • Reduce expensive downtime and support costs with predictive and preventive maintenance.


Move to IoT, Recurring Revenue and Subscription Models:

  • Adopt new business models and grow recurring revenue.
  • Make better decisions based on customer and product insights.
  • Offer flexible monetization models that are aligned with customer value, and move to subscription – for software offerings and devices.


Open Source is Central to Industry 4.0 & IoT and Most Devices Run on Linux:

  • Know what’s in your code, find all evidence of open source and 3rd party software.
  • Close the vulnerability risk and stay in compliance with license obligations.
  • Update software and firmware in online and offline environments.


Efficiency Improvements are Top of Mind for Manufacturers:

  • Change device capability and capacity on demand.
  • Reduce hardware product lines by differentiating products through software.
  • Increase efficiency for support and maintenance processes by knowing exactly what software is running on which device.

Revenera Named “Overall Enterprise IoT Platform of the Year”


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IoT Monetization Platform

The Internet of Things has changed the way business is done. Value is shifting from hardware to software. Connectivity enables continuous delivery of new features and updates. The customer relationship changes, and so does monetization.


FlexNet: Operations

FlexNet Operations is the central monetization back office for your software, SaaS or IoT solutions. Manage software, devices, customers and their usage. Automate software operations processes like version upgrades, customer notifications and software delivery. Manage all monetization models for your software products in a central place.



Software Monetization

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See how Revenera's Software Monetization platform can help you take products to market fast, unlock the value of your IP and accelerate revenue growth.