Build Better Products with Software Usage Analytics


As a product management professional in the competitive software market, you must be able to anticipate ever-expanding customer expectations to build successful products. You also need to deliver products on time and within budget to be competitive.


A data-driven approach provides product managers with the actionable insights they need. With software analytics, you get the benefits of a continuous feedback loop, keep products on the right track, and gain additional data points with each new development cycle. Now you can identify usage patterns and trends, so you know which user experience (UX) or user interface (UI) design improvements are most likely to increase conversion and adoption rates.


Revenera provides valuable insight into product and customer usage patterns to help you make data-driven decisions that foster user engagement and accelerate adoption. This powerful solution helps you understand user activity and conversions after your product is downloaded by gathering intelligence on what platforms and architectures the software is running, which features are used or ignored, and how usage and churn trends vary by user segment. Usage Intelligence enables you to:

  • Inform product decisions with user behavior data
  • Discover which features users actually use (or have not discovered)
  • Incorporate the “Voice of the Customer” throughout the product lifecycle 
  • Guide user behavior to best take advantage of the product with in-app messaging and usage-based segmentation
  • Optimize UI/UX without frustrating users

Stop Guessing. Start Knowing.

See how Usage Intelligence can enable data-driven strategies for roadmaps, packaging, pricing and sunsetting decisions.

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Usage Intelligence

Whether defining new features or optimizing your existing product functionality, Usage Intelligence helps you make better decisions. Collect and analyze actual product usage metrics to understand user engagement and interaction with your software, analyze your install base and build a data-driven strategy for roadmaps, packing, pricing and sunsetting decisions.


Usage Intelligence

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See how you can enable data-driven strategies for roadmaps, packaging, pricing and sunsetting decisions.