Software Installation Training

Hands-On Training To Get You Up and Running Quickly

From beginner and advanced training on MSI projects to learning about installation terminology and global product data, Revenera offers the right training for you.

We offer a variety of training courses to help you understand how to quickly get the most out of the world’s #1 software installer tools – InstallShield and InstallAnywhere.



Learn How to Create Basic MSI projects, Customize Your Installation 

  • Create and organize an installation project.
  • Install files and create shortcuts.
  • Install and configure special types of files and data, such as registry and INI data, COM servers, Windows services, and .NET assemblies.
  • Work with MSI sequences and custom actions.
  • Customize your installer's user interface.
  • Package your Windows installer for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and later. 
  • Use the Automation interface to modify your project outside the graphical environment.


Learn How to Improve Your Installer's (MSI) Appearance Using InstallShield

  • Improve your installer's appearance using advanced control types.
  • Provide detailed user feedback using billboards, progress information, and logging.
  • Correctly create custom actions for extending Windows Installer functionality -- and learn when not to!
  • Avoid common pitfalls when coding custom actions.
  • Work with InstallShield prerequisites and chained installations to handle multi-package requirements.


Need a refresher on the latest versions of InstallShield, installation techniques and new target environments? This course is for you.

  • Improve your installer's appearance using advanced control types.
  • Provide detailed user feedback using billboards, progress information, and logging.
  • Correctly create custom actions for extending Windows Installer functionality -- and learn when not to!
  • Avoid common pitfalls when coding custom actions.
  • Work with InstallShield prerequisites and chained installations to handle multi-package requirements.


Eight-Hour, Remote Assistance with Our Experts

Sometimes you need help but not a big consulting engagement. That’s when it’s time for InstallShield MicroConsulting. Dedicated Revenera installation experts provide assistance developing “bulletproof” setups or solving challenges such as patching, updating, self-repair, automated deployment and more. You can also use the time for architecture and code reviews, troubleshooting, advanced support, knowledge transfer and more.


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See how Revenera's Consulting team can help streamline your installation strategy.