Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) and Updates
Instant access and convenience for your customers.
A great customer experience starts as soon as the purchase is completed. Electronic delivery of software packages or containers ensures your customers quickly and securely receive your products. Meeting customer expectations at this stage is the first step toward building customer loyalty. And because it’s entitlement-based, Software Delivery protects you by only allowing downloads to eligible customers. Customers benefit from a more straightforward experience because they will only see the products available to them.
Software Delivery gives you the fulfillment capabilities you need:
- Delivery is closely tied into the quote-to-cash process and automatically fulfilled once the customer is entitled
- Rapid revenue recognition is achieved by delivering to customers as soon as orders are fulfilled
- Greater operational efficiency with reduced support expenses and the elimination of physical distribution costs
- Complete audit trail of customer activity showing who downloaded what, and when
- Legal protection with EULA acceptance

Software Container Delivery
Revenera’s Software Container Delivery extends the benefits of Software Delivery beyond traditional packaged application files to include containerized software that is becoming increasingly important to software producer’s cloud-native and microservices initiatives. It is the only solution to address the gap between entitlement management and continuous delivery that would otherwise need to be managed in a homegrown way by the producer or require an audit of actual use. It provides a fully automated provisioning and monetization process and a single source of truth for reporting for software producers that deliver Docker container images and Helm charts to their end customers.
- Enables producers to deliver containers based on entitlements, accelerating their path to containerized deployment of cloud and on-premises software.
- Provides a single, fully-integrated back-office system to manage license, entitlements and software delivery, removing friction and manual, home-grown processes for software suppliers, enabling them to scale cloud-native initiatives and provide greater operational efficiency
Software Package Delivery
Delivery of Software Packages is more than just getting a file to a user. Customers have high expectations for your product, right from the start. They want delivery to be:
- Fast. Your customer has just purchased your product. Now they want a quick, easy process to get it.
- Secure. Ensure your downloads are secure and available only to those entitled to it.
- Reliable. Your delivery system has to work efficiently, regardless of frequency and file sizes.
Meeting these expectations will build customer loyalty. Providing a directed experience (where customers only see relevant downloads) and doing it efficiently will reduce support expenses and eliminate physical distribution costs.
Automated Software Updates
In today’s connected world software and device users expect to be up to date on new features and security updates. Managing software updates across a quickly growing number of users is challenging.
Revenera’s software update solution gives you centralized back office control over updates to all software and devices:
- Prevent revenue leakage with entitlement-driven updates
- Maintain a full track record of what’s been delivered and what is deployed.
- Deliver on regulatory demands in industries like medical, and provide update tracking capability.
While entitlements provide an effective mechanism to control updates, there are some scenarios where updates can be distributed without restrictions. Revenera’s update solution allows you to designate which updates require entitlements and which ones don’t. This allows you to distribute some updates universally (for example, to users of a free version of your application) and others based on the use rights of the specific user or device requesting them.
If your update policies never require an entitlement check the update solution can be deployed in standalone mode, providing a simple, efficient system that makes all updates available to all users.
Data Sheet
Software Delivery and Updates
Deliver software to the right customers at the right time.
White Paper
Enabling Software Suppliers to Embrace Containerization While Boosting Monetization and Customer Experience
Software suppliers continue to grapple with the longstanding operational challenges related to monetizing their products and maximizing customer satisfaction. This white paper from ESG discusses how to meet those objectives in the context of software containerization.
Case Study
Virtual Hold Technologies Uses Revenera to Electronically Deliver Software
Virtual Hold Technologies uses FlexNet Operations and FlexNet Electronic Software Delivery to electronically deliver software to customers and accelerate revenue recognition.
Growing Cloud-Native Application Revenue with Enhanced Entitlement Management
Join Enterprise Strategy Group’s Senior Analyst Paul Nashawaty and Revenera’s Director, Product Management Scott Niemann for a discussion addressing ESG’s market landscape and growth for micro-services and cloud adoption and software monetization challenges of container growth
Software Delivery and Updates Demo
Join Solution Engineer Fellow, Jim Berthold, as he walks you through the Revenera Software Delivery and Updates solution.
Case Study
PolySync: Industry Leader Monetizing the Internet of Things for New Opportunities
See how an industry leader in autonomous vehicles is leveraging proven software licensing, entitlement management and software delivery and update technology to monetize the Internet of Th…
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Software Monetization
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See how Revenera's Software Monetization platform can help you take products to market fast, unlock the value of your IP and accelerate revenue growth.