Data Processing Agreement
Please review the Flexera Data Processing Agreement (DPA). You may also download the DPA if you prefer to print and sign it.
Data Processing Agreement
Flexera is a software company which offers a range of IT management products and services, further detail of which can be found within the Master Agreement entered into, or to be entered into, between Flexera and Customer. This Data Processing Agreement supplements the Master Agreement to ensure that any Personal Information subject to the Master Agreement is transferred and processed in accordance with the Applicable Privacy Laws. This agreement is provided in both English and German language. The German language version is provided as a convenience translation only and the English version will control. The English version of this agreement shall prevail in case of any discrepancies between the English and German translations.
Unless otherwise defined, the following definitions shall apply:
1.1. “Flexera” means the Flexera entity described in the Master Agreement.
1.2. “Customer” means the Customer as described in the Master Agreement, which not only includes the contracting party, but may also encompass Customer affiliates (as defined in the Master Agreement) to the extent they are beneficiaries under the Master Agreement. Customer shall be the sole contact point for Flexera under this Data Processing Agreement and any communication shall take place with and claims must be asserted by the Customer only.
1.3. “Master Agreement” means the agreement between Flexera and Customer which sets out the basis on which Flexera provides its products and/or services for the use of the Customer.
1.4. “Applicable Privacy Laws” means any applicable laws and regulations relating to the processing, privacy, or security of Personal Information.
1.5. “Personal Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual or device, or is otherwise “personal data,” “personal information,” “personally identifiable information” and similar terms, and such terms shall have the same meaning as defined by Applicable Privacy Laws.
1.6. “Special Category or Criminal Offence Data” means any data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation as well as data relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures.
1.7. “Processor” “Controller” and “Processing” shall have the meanings attributed to them in the Applicable Privacy Laws.
Commencement and Scope
This Data Processing Agreement shall commence on the earlier of either (a) Flexera and Customer entering into a Master Agreement, or if earlier, (b) when Flexera commences processing Personal Information provided by Customer to Flexera in the context of the Master Agreement on behalf of Customer in connection with the services as agreed under the Master Agreement (“Services”). This Data Processing Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as long as the Master Agreement (including any extension, renewal, or variation) remains effective and thereafter for as long as Flexera continues to process Personal Information on behalf of Customer.
Conflict and Order of Precedence
In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the Master Agreement, the main body of this Data Processing Agreement, or the Schedules to this Data Processing Agreement, the following order of precedence shall apply:
3.1. Schedules of this Data Processing Agreement,
3.2. Main body of this Data Processing Agreement, and
3.3. Master Agreement.
Role of Parties
4.1. The Parties acknowledge and agree that,
4.1.1. for the purposes of the GDPR and other Applicable Privacy Laws in the United States, Flexera acts as "Processor" or "sub-processor". Flexera's function as Processor or sub-processor will be determined by the function of Customer:
(i) Where Customer acts as a Controller, Flexera acts as a Processor.
(ii) Where Customer acts as a Processor (on behalf of its end-customers), Flexera acts as a sub-processor.4.1.2. for the purposes of the CCPA (as defined below), Customer acts as a "business" while Flexera acts as a "service provider" in its performance of its obligations pursuant to the Master Agreement and this Data Processing Agreement.
4.2. The Parties each agree that they shall always remain responsible for compliance with their respective obligations under the Applicable Privacy Laws.
Processing of Personal Information
5.1. Unless processing is required by Applicable Privacy Laws, including EU or EU member state law to which Flexera is subject, Flexera will process Personal Information under the Data Processing Agreement only as a Processor acting on Customer’s lawful and documented instructions as reasonably necessary to deliver the Services as set out within the Master Agreement, processing initiated by Customer’s end users in their use of the Services, and to comply with other reasonable instructions proved by Customer via support ticket, email, or otherwise where such instructions are consistent with the terms of the Data Processing Agreement. Customer may provide additional instructions in writing (email or other electronic means being sufficient) to Flexera regarding the processing of Personal Information to the extent technically feasible and provided that such instructions are still covered by the Services purchased or needed to comply with statutory rights from individuals. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Flexera will not use any data accessed from third party APIs to train Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning models.
5.2. Customer warrants that:
5.2.1. It has complied and will continue to comply with Applicable Privacy Laws;
5.2.2. Its instructions shall at all times comply with, and be compatible with, Applicable Privacy Laws;
5.2.3. All Personal Information has been and will continue to be collected and processed in accordance with the notice, consent, and all other requirements of the Applicable Privacy Laws; and
5.2.4. It has, and will continue to have, the right to transfer or provide access to the Personal Information to Flexera, and that such processing by Flexera will not contravene Applicable Privacy Laws.
5.3. If Customer's instructions, in Flexera's opinion, violate applicable law, Flexera shall promptly inform Customer thereof.
5.4. Where Customer submits additional instructions or wishes to vary the existing instructions in respect of processing of Personal Information and Flexera believes that adopting the new instructions would adversely impact upon the delivery of the Services, or would lead to Flexera incurring additional costs, Flexera and Customer shall negotiate in good faith to reach an agreement in respect of either (a) varying the amended instructions, or (b) proportioning the associated costs of implementing the amended instructions.
5.5. Except with the express prior agreement of both Parties’ data protection officers (or other authorized representative) Customer shall not provide to Flexera any Special Category or Criminal Offence Data.
6.1. Customer grants Flexera a general authorization to engage sub-processors subject to Section 6.3 of this Data Processing Agreement.
6.2. Where Flexera engages any third parties, whether affiliated companies or not, Flexera shall ensure that there is in place an agreement between Flexera and such party that imposes the same data protection obligations as agreed in this Data Processing Agreement including any Schedules if applicable.
6.3. The sub-processors engaged by Flexera as set out in Schedule 1 at the commencement of this Data Processing Agreement are approved by Customer. Should Flexera seek to engage a new sub-processor, it shall notify Customer of the same. In the absence of any objection from Customer within 28 days of notification, Customer shall be deemed to have consented to the engagement.
6.4. In the case Customer objects to the sub- processing, Flexera can choose to either not engage the sub-processor or to terminate the portion of the Master Agreement relating to the affected Services with 28 days prior written notice. Until the termination of the Master Agreement, Flexera may suspend the portion of the Services which is affected by the objection of Customer. Customer shall not be entitled to a pro-rata refund of the remuneration for the Services, unless the objection is based on justified reasons of incompliance with Applicable Privacy Laws.
International Data Transfers
7.1. Flexera may transfer Personal Information outside of the territory in which it originates; where this occurs any such transfer is executed in accordance with Applicable Privacy Laws.
7.2. Where Flexera is located outside the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, the terms of the Standard Contractual Clauses annexed to Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914 (“SCC”), as further specified in Schedule 2 of this Data Processing Agreement, are hereby incorporated by reference and shall be deemed to have been executed by the Parties and apply to any transfers of Personal Information falling within the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation from Customer (as data exporter) to Flexera (as data importer). Schedule 2 will also specify the applicable module of the SCC.
7.3. To the extent that the processing of Personal Information is subject to data protection laws in the United Kingdom, Schedule 3 shall apply in addition.
Security of Personal Information
8.1. Flexera has in place a comprehensive data protection and information security program which consists of a range of technical and organisational measures designed to establish an appropriate level of security for all Personal Information processed by Flexera. The technical and organizational measures are specified in Annex 2 to Schedule 2.
8.2. All personnel of Flexera undergo appropriate pre-employment screening and are subject to written obligations of confidentiality extending to the Personal Information processed on behalf of Customer. Sub-processors will be bound by appropriate confidentiality agreements as well.
8.3. Flexera may alter the technical and organizational security measures provided that such alteration does not reduce the overall level of protection afforded to the Personal Information by Flexera under this Data Processing Agreement, it will inform Customer of any substantial changes.
8.4. Flexera shall, taking into account the nature of the processing and the information available to it, assist Customer in ensuring compliance with Customer's obligation to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure to establish an appropriate level of security of the Customer's processing.
Requests for Information
9.1. Flexera has a policy in place for handling requests to access Personal Information it processes by third parties, including in respect of warrants, subpoenas, court orders, or requests from individuals or governmental departments (including law enforcement and intelligence agencies).
9.2. Flexera will notify Customer of such request on receipt unless there is a restriction on such notification. Where Flexera is prohibited from notifying Customer it shall provide such notification as soon as such restriction is no longer in effect.
9.3. Where Flexera receives such a request and is prohibited from notifying Customer, it shall use reasonable efforts to establish that the request is legitimate, is in accordance with applicable laws, and goes no further than is necessary to achieve the intended purpose.
9.4. Flexera has not received a request for information in respect of Personal Information it processes on behalf of its customers from any government, law enforcement, or intelligence agency.
10.1. Customer is entitled to audit Flexera’s compliance with the obligations set out in this Data Processing Agreement including any Schedules were applicable once in any 12 months period, unless where an audit is recommended, or required by a regulator of Customer, following an Incident (as defined in Section 11.1 of this Data Processing Agreement), or where Customer has justifiable reason to believe that Flexera is not complying with the terms and conditions under this Data Processing Agreement.
10.2. Customer may conduct any audit itself or appoint a suitably qualified third party to conduct the audit on its behalf. Where Customer appoints a third party it agrees that it will not appoint any third party who provides comparable Services as Flexera, and that the third party must enter a written obligation of confidentiality approved by Flexera.
10.3. Any audit must be completed during Flexera’s normal business hours and be conducted in such a manner as to prevent any unreasonable disruption or interference with Flexera’s operations.
10.4. To initiate an audit Customer shall submit a comprehensive audit plan to Flexera no less than two weeks prior to the intended commencement date. Flexera will consider the request and shall work collaboratively with Customer to finalise the scope of the audit and seek to have the relevant resources available. Flexera shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that any third-party Sub-processors assist to the extent necessary with any such audit.
10.5. Where the intended scope of an audit is covered in an approved industry standard, scheme, or certification, Customer agrees to accept a certification of said standard issued by a third-party auditor or certification body within the preceding twelve months as confirmation of adherence to said standard, scheme, or certification.
10.6. Flexera and Customer shall each be responsible for their own costs in relation to, or arising from, the audit. In the event the Flexera is required to incur additional costs it shall notify Customer of the same prior to the audit commencing and both Flexera and Customer will negotiate in good faith with respect to any such costs.
Security Incident
11.1. Flexera has implemented and deployed a range of technical and organisational measures to minimise the risk of any unauthorised disclosure of or access to, and accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, or extraction of Personal Information (an “Incident”). The measures in question are intended to prevent an Incident occurring, identify if an Incident occurs, and minimise the impact if an Incident occurs.
11.2. Flexera will notify Customer without undue delay after becoming aware of an Incident. Flexera will provide the following information as it becomes available either at the time of notification or as soon as possible thereafter:
11.2.2. A description of the Incident,
11.2.3. Details of what Personal Information is affected,
11.2.4. What measures have been taken to mitigate the impact of the Incident,
11.2.5. If applicable, when access to the Personal Information will be restored.
11.3. Flexera will not make any public statement, notify any regulator, or notify the affected individuals without first notifying Customer. Customer agrees that it will coordinate with Flexera on the content and timing of any public statements or regulatory notifications that Customer intends to make in relation to the Incident.
11.4. Flexera shall, taking into account the nature of the processing and the information available to it, assist Customer in ensuring compliance with obligations under Applicable Privacy Laws regarding the notification of Incidents to individuals and supervisory authorities.
Rights of Individuals
12.1. Flexera recognises there may be rights afforded to individuals under the Applicable Privacy Laws and has appropriate systems in place to enable such rights to be fulfilled within the stipulated timeframes. Where Flexera receives a request for Personal Information and Flexera is processing such Personal Information at the direction of Customer, Flexera will forward the request on to Customer and may refer the individual making the request to Customer. If Customer receives a request and requires Flexera’s assistance to fulfil the request it shall forward the same to
12.2. Flexera will provide Customer reasonable assistance as necessary for Customer to fulfil its obligation under the Applicable Privacy Laws to respond to data subject requests, including if applicable, Customer's obligation to respond to requests for exercising the rights set out in the GDPR or CCPA.
Further Assistance and Provision of Information
13.1. Taking into account the nature of processing and the information available to it, Flexera assists Customer in ensuring compliance with Customer's obligations under Applicable Privacy Laws with regard to conducting data protection impact assessments or prior consultations with supervisory authorities.
13.1. Flexera makes available to the Customer all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations under this Data Processing Agreement.
Data Erasure and Retention
In the absence of (i) any provision within the Master Agreement to the contrary; (ii) a request from the Customer in writing, or (iii) Applicable Privacy Laws or other applicable laws require continued storage of the Personal Information, within sixty days of Flexera ceasing to provide the Services to Customer, Flexera shall erase any Personal Information remaining on any of its systems
Personal Information Subject to the CCPA
To the extent that the processing of Personal Information is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), Schedule 4 shall apply.
Schedule 1 – Data Processing
Categories of Personal Information:
Names, usernames, user IDs, business/personal addresses, phone numbers, departments, email addresses, and IP addresses, computer or device names, Ethernet MAC Addresses, host names, calculated users, account names, serial numbers, virtual Machine UUIDs, hardware dongleIDs, time zones, active directory names, FQDNs, Wi-Fi SSIDs, geolocation data. To the extent that the above items are not Personal Information, the provisions of this Data Processing Agreement (including the schedules) shall not be applicable.
Categories of Individual:
Employees, contractors, agents, etc. of Customer
Subject-matter, nature and purpose of Processing:
The provision and receipt the Services as agreed in the Master Agreement.
Duration of Processing:
The duration shall correspond with the period of time for which the Services are provided and until all Personal Information is deleted according to Section 14.
Approved Third Parties and Sub-Processors:
Flexera affiliates:
- Flexera Software LLC – provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Flexera Software GmbH - provides professional services
- Flexera Software Ltd - provides professional and maintenance services
- Flexera Software Pty Ltd - provides professional services
- Flexera Software India LLP – provides support services
- Secunia ApS – provides IT security solutions alongside rendering support and maintenance services
- Rightscale, Inc. – provides cloud delivery solutions
- Revulytics, Inc. – provides compliance intelligence services
- Snow Software Pty Ltd - provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Belgium N.V. provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- SNOW SOFTWARE ASSESSORIA E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA - provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Canada Corporation provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software ApS - provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Oy -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software SAS -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software GmbH-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software S.R.L a Socio Único-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software S.A. de C.V. -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- SSB B.V. -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software AS-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Sp.z.o.o-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Singapore Pte. Ltd. -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software S.L. -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software AB-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Nordic AB-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software Limited-provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software, Inc. -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
- Snow Software US, Inc. -provides support, maintenance, and professional services
Third parties:
Akamai International B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands Provides content delivery network services Akamai International Inc. Massachusetts, USA Provides content delivery network services GoodData Corporation California, USA Conducts analytic services as well as data platform services Revulytics, Inc. Massachusetts, USA Provides compliance intelligence services Infinit-O Global Limited Manila, Philippines Provides business intelligence services Amazon Web Services (AWS) Seattle, USA Provides a cloud-based hosting platform Snowflake Inc. Montana, USA Provides a data warehousing service Celoxis Technologies PVT Ltd Maharashtra, India Project management Salesforce Inc. California, USA Customer relationship management, support ticketing, customer community Docebo UK Limited England, UK Customer training Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Regional Sales Pte Ltd Washington, USA, and Singapore Data hosting Microsoft AB Sweden Productivity software Marketo EMEA Limited Ireland Marketing automation, Inc. California, USA Website sales chatbot Salesloft Inc. Georgia, USA Sales engagement platform Microsoft Corporation Seattle, USA Provides advanced business analytics and intelligence services Databricks, Inc. San Francisco, USA Provides data lakehouse architecture Pendo.IO, Inc. Raleigh, USA Provides a usage analytics platform HCL, including
- HCL America Inc.
- HCL Technologies Limited
- HCL Technologies Corporate Services Limited
- HCL Mexico S. de R.L
- California, USA / Alberta, Canada / Ontario, Canada
- New Delhi, India
- Surrey, UK
- Jalisco, Mexico
Provides engineering, support and customer success services The sub-processors may have access to the Personal Information for the term of this Data Processing Agreement or until the service contract with the respective sub-processor is terminated or the access by the sub-processor has been excluded as agreed between Flexera and Customer.
Schedule 2 – EU/EEA Provisions & Standard Contractual Clauses
Applicable Module
For the purposes of data transfers between Controller (Customer) and Processor (Flexera) entities being primary processors and located outside the EEA, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, Module Two of the SCC – Controller to Processor – shall apply and is hereby incorporated into this Schedule 2 as further specified below. Where the Processor entities are located outside the EEA, the United Kingdom or Switzerland and process Personal Information from Controllers who are processors, Module Three of the SCC - Processor to Subprocessor – shall apply and hereby be incorporated into this Schedule 2 as further specified below.
Elective Options
Docking Clause – Clause 7 The docking clause shall not apply |
Appointment and use of Sub-processors - Clause 9(a) – option 2 is selected The time specified for Processor to notify Controller of the intended appointment of a new Sub-processor is 28 days. |
Independent dispute resolution body – Clause 11(a) The option to lodge complaints to an independent dispute resolution body shall not apply. |
Governing law, jurisdiction and choice of forum - Clauses 17 – option 1 is selected – and 18(b) If the contracting Controller entity is domiciled in Germany, then the governing law will be that of Germany and the Courts of Germany shall have jurisdiction. If the contracting Controller entity is not domiciled in Germany, then the governing law and jurisdiction will be that stipulated in the Master Agreement, or if not so stipulated, then the governing law of Ireland and the Courts of Ireland shall have jurisdiction. |
Annex 1 to Schedule 2
The Data Exporter
The Data Exporter is the Controller. The Data Exporter’s contact information is contained within the Master Agreement. Processor may request the name and contact information of the, contact person, data protection officer (if applicable) and/or representative (if applicable) as well as the contact person's position at any time. The activities relevant to the data transferred are as described in the Master Agreement and the Main Body of the Data Processing Agreement. The Data Exporter is the Data Controller.
The Data Importer
The Data Importer is the Processor. The Data Importer’s contact information is contained within the Master Agreement. Controller may request the name and contact information of the, contact person, data protection officer (if applicable) and/or representative (if applicable) at any time. The activities relevant to the data transferred are as described in the Master Agreement and the Main Body of the Data Processing Agreement. The Data Importer is a Data Processor.
Description of Transfer
The categories of data subjects, the Categories of Personal Information, the purpose of processing, and Flexera’s sub- processors to which Personal Information is transferred are set out in Schedule 1 of this Data Processing Agreement. There will be no Special Category or Criminal Offence Data transferred. The transfer will be performed on a continuous basis during the term of the Master Agreement.
Where the data exporter is established in an EU Member State: The supervisory authority of the country in which the data exporter established is the competent authority.
Where the data exporter is not established in an EU Member State, but falls within the territorial scope of application of the GDPR in accordance with its Article 3(2) and has appointed a representative pursuant to Article 27(1) of the GDPR: The competent supervisory authority is the one of the EU Member State in which the representative is established.
Where the data exporter is not established in an EU Member State, but falls within the territorial scope of application of the GDPR in accordance with its Article 3(2) without, however, having to appoint a representative pursuant to Article 27(2) of the GDPR: The competent supervisory authority shall be the supervisory authority in Ireland, namely the Data Protection Commission (
Annex 2
Description of the technical and organisational measures implemented
The Data Importer has a range of technical and organisational measures to minimise the risk to Personal Information and ensure ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems including:
1. Pseudonymization and Encryption
Pseudonymization contains measures that enable one to process Personal Information in such a manner that the Personal Information can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that this additional information is stored separately, and is subject to appropriate technical and organizational measures. Encryption contains measures that enable one to convert clearly legible information into an illegible string by means of a cryptographic process. Stored data is encrypted where appropriate, including any backup copies of the data
2. The ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services, Art. 32 para 1 point b GDPR
Confidentiality and integrity is ensured by the secure processing of Personal Information, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.
2.1 Confidentiality
2.1.1 Physical access control
Measures that prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to data processing systems with which Personal Information are processed or used such as: Physical access control systems; Definition of authorizes persons and Management and documentation of individual authorizations; Regulation of Visitors and external staff; Monitoring of all facilities housing IT systems; and Logging of physical access
2.1.2 System/Electronic access control
Measures that prevent data processing systems from being used without authorization, including: User Authentication by simple authentication methods (using username/password); Secure transmission of credentials using networks (using TSL and SSL); Automatic account locking; Guidelines for Handling of passwords; Definition of authorized persons
Managing means of authentication; and Access control to infrastructure that is hosted by cloud service provider
2.1.3 Internal Access Control
Measures that ensure that persons entitled to use a data processing system have access only to the data to which they have a right of access, and that Personal Information cannot be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization in the course of processing or use and after storage, including: Automatic and manual locking; Access right management
including authorization concept, implementation of access restrictions, implementation of the "need-to-know" principle, managing of individual access rights.
2.1.4 Isolation/Separation Control
Measures to ensure that data collected for different purposes can be processed (storage, amendment, deletion, transmission) separately, including: Network separation; Segregation of responsibilities and duties; Document procedures and applications for the separation.
2.1.5 Job Control
Measures that ensure that, in the case of commissioned processing of Personal Information, the information is processed strictly corresponding the instructions of the principal, including: Training and confidentiality agreements for internal staff and external staff
2.2 Integrity
2.2.1 Data transmission control
Measures ensure that Personal Information cannot be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during electronic transmission or transport, and that it is possible to check and establish to which bodies the transfer of Personal Information by means of data transmission facilities is envisaged, including: Secure transmission between client and server and to external systems by using industry-standard encryption; Secure network interconnections ensured by Firewalls etc.; and Logging of transmissions of data from IT system that stores or processes Personal Information
2.2.2 Data input control
Measures that ensure that it is possible to check and establish whether and by whom Personal Information have been input into data processing systems, modified or removed, including: Logging authentication and monitored logical system access; Logging of data access including, but not limited to access, modification, entry and deletion of data; and Documentation of data entry rights and partially logging security related entries.
2.3 Availability and Resilience of Processing Systems and Services
Availability includes measures that ensure that Personal Information is protected from accidental destruction or loss due to internal or external influences. Resilience of processing systems and services includes measures that ensure the ability to withstand attacks or to quickly restore systems to working order after an attack. These measures include: Tape-media based backup solution; Implementation of transport policies; Backup Concept and Protection of stored backup media
3. The ability to restore the availability and access to Personal Information in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident
Organizational measures that ensure the possibility to quickly restore the system or data in the event of a physical or technical incident such as Continuity planning (Recovery Time Objective).
4. A process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing
Organizational measures that ensure the regular review and assessment of technical and organizational measures include: Testing of emergency equipment; Documentation of interfaces and Personal Information fields; and Internal assessments.
5. Measures of sub-processors
Sub-processors engaged by Flexera will have a range of technical and organisational measures that offer an equivalent level of protection to the Personal Information that they process, these will be of a comparable nature to those described above.
Schedule 3 – United Kingdom Provisions and SCC Addendum
With respect to any transfers of Personal Information falling within the scope of the UK GDPR as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“UK GDPR”) from Controller(Customer) (as data exporter) to Processor (Flexera) (as data importer), the following shall apply:
- The template Addendum issued by the ICO and laid before Parliament in accordance with s119A of the Data Protection Act 2018 on 2 February 2022, as it is revised under Section 18 (“Approved Addendum”) as further specified in this Schedule 3 shall form part of this Data Processing Agreement, and the SCC shall be read and interpreted in light of the provisions of the Approved Addendum, to the extent necessary according to Section 12 of the Mandatory Clauses to the Approved Addendum (“Mandatory Clauses”);
- In deviation to Table 1 of the Approved Addendum and in accordance with Section 17 of the Mandatory Clauses, the parties are further specified in Annex 1 to Schedule 2 of this Data Processing Agreement.
- The selected Modules and Clauses to be determined according to Table 2 of the Approved Addendum are further specified in Schedule 2 of this Data Processing Agreement as amended by the Mandatory Clauses.
- Annex 1A as referred to in Table 3 to the Approved Addendum is specified by Annex 1 to Schedule 2 of this Data Processing Agreement and Annex 1B as referred to in Table 3 in Table 3 to the Approved Addendum is specified by Schedule 1 of this Data Processing Agreement. Annex II as referred to in Table 3 of the Approved Addendum is specified by Annex 2 to Schedule 2 of this Data Processing Agreement, and Annex III as referred to in Table 3 of the Approved Addendum is specified by Schedule 1 of this Data Processing Agreement.
- Processor (as data importer) may, to the extent the Approved Addendum applies, end this Data Processing Agreement in accordance with Section 19 of the Mandatory Clauses;
- Section 16 of the Mandatory Clauses shall not apply.
Schedule 4 – California Provisions
This schedule provides clarification as to the responsibilities of Flexera and Customer (each as defined in the Master Agreement) with regard to Personal Information originating from, or relating to, residents of California and subject to the CCPA. This Schedule shall only be effective where Customer is a Business as defined by the CCPA.
“CCPA” means the California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq., as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act, and its implementing regulations; and including any amendments and any implementing regulations thereto;
“Consumer” means a “consumer” as such term is defined in the CCPA;
“Personal Information” means the “personal information” (as defined in the CCPA) that on behalf of the Customer in connection with the provision of the Services;
“Sell” and “Sale” have the meaning given in the CCPA;
“Share” and “Sharing” have the meaning given in the CCPA; and
“Services” means the service(s) provided by Flexera to Customer under the Master Agreement
- Role of the Parties. For the purposes of the CCPA, the Parties acknowledge and agree that Flexera will act as a “Service Provider” as such term is defined in the CCPA, in its performance of the Services.
- Instructions for Processing. Flexera will retain, use and disclose the Personal Information for the limited purpose of performing the Services as described in Schedule 1 and in the Master Agreement, and otherwise only as permitted by the CCPA or as required by law. Flexera will not retain, use or disclose the Personal Information for any other commercial purpose or outside the direct business relationship between the Parties. Flexera will comply with the CCPA in the performance of the Services.
- No Sale or Sharing of Personal Information. Flexera will not Sell or Share Personal Information to another business or third party for monetary or other valuable consideration.
- Consumer Requests. Upon Customer’s request and at Customer’s reasonable expense, Flexera will assist customer with fulfilling consumer requests under the CCPA (or provide Customer with the ability to fulfill such requests).
- Reasonable and Appropriate Steps. Customer will have the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to: (a) ensure that Flexera uses the Personal Information in a manner consistent with Customer’s obligations under the CCPA, and (b) stop and remediate unauthorized use of Personal Information by Flexera.
- Certification of Compliance. Flexera certifies that it understands the foregoing obligations and will comply with them. Flexera will notify the Customer if it determines it can no longer meet its obligations under the CCPA.