FlexNet Operations helps software vendors and intelligent device manufacturers grow revenues by enabling them to quickly create product configurations to meet market demands and cut operational costs by automating the generation, fulfillment, and activation of software licenses and entitlements. FlexNet Operations provides organizations with the ability to view and administer entitlements across all products and license key generators. These entitlement management solutions also help increase upgrade revenue by proactively tracking and reporting on software and device entitlements, subscriptions, version levels, expiring software licenses and support contracts regardless of the technology used.

Many organizations understand the value of FlexNet Operations, but find themselves stymied by the struggles and roadblocks that can occur in complex installation scenarios. Revenera Global Consulting Services can provide software vendors and intelligent device manufacturers with the knowledge needed to overcome these obstacles.

Revenera has extensive experience helping software vendors and intelligent device manufacturers successfully implement entitlement management solutions. FlexNet Operations Setup supports organizations through the installation and validation of their FlexNet Operations system in a development environment.

FlexNet Operations Setup is a standalone, two-or three-day engagement designed to leverage Revenera software deployment expertise to help organizations quickly install FlexNet Operations in their development environment.


The objective of FlexNet Operations Setup is to provide a stable installation that the customer can quickly utilize for their back-office projects. This is done by:

  • Validation of the intended architecture before install
  • Verification of system readiness before install
  • Installation assistance for the development environment
  • Post-install validation of core FlexNet Operations functionality


The engagement is delivered by a Revenera senior consultant in three sections:

  • Architecture validation
  • Installation
  • Functional verification

Software Monetization

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Revenera's Software Monetization platform can help you take products to market fast, unlock the value of your IP and accelerate revenue growth.